WARNING: The following text may contain offensive language and mild references of a sexual nature. Please do not read if you feel easily offended. If you have been affected by the issues discussed please contact the BBC and blame them. Wednesday 07th October 2015 – My bum was sore. No,…
Wednesday 30th September 2015 – I’m going to put it out there and suggest that it would be an under exaggeration to say I looked slightly worse for wear upon my arrival in Rurrenabaque. Exhausted, bedraggled and covered head to toe in a thick layer of red dust, the owner…
Sunday 27th September 2015 – It was a bit more of a rush than I had hoped for. My attempts to explain to Julio that there was no point getting off the boat upon our 2AM arrival at Porto Velho, as there were no buses till 6:30, were fraught with…
Here you will find the (hopefully) up to date adventures of the incredibly handsome pioneering explorer, Doug. As modest as he is wise, as awesome as he is brave, Doug will endeavor to recite the tales of his travels with utmost accuracy. No embellishment whatsoever.